A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Friday 18 May 2012

Flashback Fridays: Noise Pollution 101

What I look Like when I study
Its that time of year again: exams! Ugh. I know right? But its something we all have to do. What I don't get is when people are like "enjoy exams!". Who enjoys exams? This is the time of year when people are stressed and agitated, people don't shower for days at a time and the library is always full. People can also be so selfish at time time of year. Take one of my neighbours in res for example. This morning I awoke to the blaring sounds of some persons collection of house music! Now the things that really irritated me was that I couldnt tell where exactly this music was coming from [ it seriously felt like surround sound] and that it was music that I knew so I kinda hummed along [ but I didnt want to]. That reminded me of that onr time my neighbour at home was playing her teeny bopper music and just noise polluting like there was no tomorrow. She made me hate Rihannas 'We Found Love' cause she had it on repeat like it was going out of style. So this Flashback Friday is about remembering all those noise polluters out there.

But for reals though, come on people. Its study 'week' so lets all just get along and be considerate of one another while we all try study for those killer exams. We all want the same thing at the end of the day right? World peace. Oh and to pass exams. SO dont dont play your music loud at 6am.

Just in case you were wondering, I'm on a study break, okay? Gosh. Get off my back. I'm allowed to take five minutes to just post on my blog. Okay bye

Follow the link!: futcHAHA child: Noise Pollution 101


  1. oooooh this is like talking to you in person...love it LMAO!!! tots amazzz
