A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Politically Incorrect

So whats up with the ANC Youth League consisting of not-so-youthfull people? With  its presiednt Julius Malema being in his early 30's, I really wonder if they represent the needs and views of the South African Youth today. I think having a council that represents the voice of us young citizens  could really go towards creating a better SA for all of us.

By getting Kids as young as 16 to have a say in what is happening (socially, politically and economically) in the country there could really be strides made in increasing the number of young people that vote. I know that young people today have an enormous amount to say [ so much so that i even started a blog] and want to be heard.
On a lighter note, according to the Saturday Star Juju thinks the ANC leaders are all 'baboons'. Well all I can say to that is Pot. Kettle. Black.

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