A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

And All The Colours Of The Rainbow...

Apparently Beyonce has had her baby! I know what your thinkin: "didnt she just tell us she was pregnant like a minute ago?!" ; well now shes not pregnant anymore. So they 'apparently' named the kid Ivy Blue [?] Carter. You know  they say you can tell alot about people from what they name their kids; for example my mom named me Nolwandle so you can tell that she loves the ocean ( not really, she just liked the way it sounded).
What is blatantly obvious to me about B and Jay from what they supposedly  named  their child is that they LOVE the colours green and blue ( in that oder). haha. First David Beckham throws a number into his kids name now people are bringing in colours. Either these kids are gonna be teased for their names or people will think they're cool!

Am I the only one hoping that the baby will have Jays lips? Welcome to the world lil Green Blue Carter

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