A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Remamber that time when you were 3 years, 2 months, one day and 4 hours old?

You know those times when you see relatives you haven't seen since you were a little kid and they just some how think you'll remember them? Well I recently had one of those moments with my uncle who used to look after my cousin and I when we were young. He looked at me expectantly and asked if I remembered him; pointing to his 3 year old daughter sand saying the last time he saw me I was her age. That's a weird question, don't you think? Obviously it serves as an ice breaker for long lost relatives but what I wanna know is: does anyone really remember anything from when they were near that age? Cause  I'm 20 now so I don't remember anyone/ anything from 17 years ago...

Then again, I cant even remember what I ate for lunch yesterday ( should I be concerned about that?) and I can barely remember first year. But after I saw him that day, I remembered a faded memory from when I was a little three years old and I ran across a busy highway with my cousin( yea, those were the days when kids could reoam  around where ever they wanted). A man chased us down and brought us to safety. That man was my long lost uncle who I did somewhat remember... its funny what comes to you right before you fall asleep.

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