A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
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Showing posts with label Campus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Campus. Show all posts

Monday, 25 February 2013

You've Got The Fuel, I've Got The Burn: In My Youngblood!

Been back in the fairest Cape for almost a month now. Yep, its that time of year again: time to learn stuff.Heading into week 3 of school and I think I'm getting back into the swing of things.

 And you know what I've come to realise? As much as we complain about how hectic it is to be a student we've got it really good. Sure, it gets tough from time to time but at least we don't have to pay income tax yet.

I think now I'm finally starting to understand why people always say that university was one of the best times of their life. Waking up when you want to, making mistakes, changing degrees, wearing whatever you want, eating a packet of Simba chips for dinner because you don't have food in your fridge; meeting new people almost every weekend,  and pulling all nighters. And our excuse for it all is that we're young.

So lets live it up and make the most of this time while we're still young. For reals though, I now get why there is a store called Forever 21. Its a pretty fun age.

futcHAHA_child out.

Oh, happy meatless Monday BTW. Even though I'm pretty sure I'm having chicken for dinner tonight...awkward.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Eight O's: We Didn't Have A Choice

I hate eight a.m. lectures. Every morning I have a fight with myself about whether we're( me, myself and I) really going to get up out of the warm bed. And every morning I loose. I get up because I'll feel guilty if I stay in bed ( is it just me?). But, there is an up side of almost being trampled trying to get onto the Forest Hill Jammie Shuttle every morning at 7:30 : the views.

The world is quite beautiful in the morning so I usually get some great shots of the sun coming up or peaking through the clouds. Then the morning sucks a little less. But hey, you know what they say: the early bird catches the worm!

And worms seriously dont even taste that bad.HAHA.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Coming Around Again

Its that time of year again. That time when you have to  fight with yourself wake up at half past 6 in the morning to get ready for SCHOOL/ LECTURES. With the UCT Medical students going back to Cape Town this week those rough mornings are closer for some more than others.

The only cool thing about 8 a.m. lectures for me is how picturesque campus is that early. Do you also have crazy cool views like this from your campus? Let me know.