A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

My Chain Hits My Chest When I'm Banging on the Dashboard

People say that I'm strange like the clouds B.o.B and Lil Wayne see but that's beside the point of this post. You know sometimes there are just some things in life that just irritate you? Usually the things you have no control over like when the weather suddenly changes and you're left standing there in the rain with not even Rihanna's umbrella ( ella-ella) to cover you. So here are some the things that just get on my nerves:

Don't you hate it ...
  •  When you write someone a Long and thoughtful sms and all they reply with is "cool" or "okay
  • When people talk loud in lectures and then think they're whispering, Yeah, um no! We can all hear you!!
  • When a new lecturer comes in and the first thing he says is "I'll assume you remember this form last year". Well then is it safe for me to assume that you remember what you had for breakfast this time lat year. Yeah that's what I thought.
  • You have 4 exams in a row then like a week 'till the last one. I mean really. Who comes up with these exam time tables? They hate us.
  • When you go over to you friends house and they have crazy dogs barking at you. The're all like" Dont worry, he doesnt bite!" While the dog is pracrically frothing at the mouth and can hardly be restrained.
  • When its windy and you're wearing a dress ( am i right boys?).
  • When your computer/ phone is being mean and just wont listen to you, then in anger you hit it against the wall and it has the audasity to break!!
  • When you're studying and you say to yourself "That probably wont come up in the test, so I'll just skip it" and then it turns out to be 20% of your paper. Touche` examiner. Touche`.
  • When I'm singing and people feel the need to join in. No! This is not a duet. This is not glee. I'm a solo artist ( solo you cant hear me. boom!)
  • When people sing aloud in public. Come on! This is not glee and unless I'm paying to hear you sing I dont want to. This aint Glee. Just kidding : D (not really though. but hey I do it too *see point above*).
Yeah thats all I wanted to say. Phew. Just had to get that off my chest. Can you relate to any of these points above? I can ( well, I did make the list but you know what I mean) but you know there are just some things in life that we cant control like the way the leaves change colour in the winter. And bed head. And the size of your head. And why pegions move their heads when the walk ( does tha freak anyone else out? Rats of the sky, I tell you.).  There is one thing you can do though. Share this blog. Like this post. Tweet this. Tell your friendsa nd their friends.Tell a stranger! Wait, no. No pause that. Idont endorse talking to strangers.

@futcHAHAchild out ( yeah, that still works!)

p.s. the title of this post really has nothing to do with it. I just cant get that song out of my head.

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