A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Are You Not Entertained?!: Blog Fun Facts

  1. The name of this blog is pronounced exactly how its spelt. Yeah, that's right. All together now: f-u-t-c-HAHA c-h-i-l-d.
  2. My name is not futchaha child. Its Nolly ( Miss Sibanda if you will). But of course you knew that. Feel free to just holla out "futchaha child" on the street though and I will respond .
  3. This blog has been viewed (almost) 1000 times!
  4. I've been blogging for almost a month now and the above fun fact is a lie.
  5. Did you know that at the bottom of each blog post there are Facebook, Twitter and Google+ symbols that allow you to SHARE that particular post?! Brilliant, I know! So plaese people, share. Dont be selfish, laugh with your friends!
  6. You can also comment. See that little word on the bottom of the right conner of the post that says "comment"? Well that allows you to drop me a lil something by just clicking on it! Amazing, right?!
  7. People keep asking me why I started this blog. Um, did you not read my very first post? I'm pretty sure it's all explained in there. Bacically: me+ awesome + funny. So i deciede to let this lil light of mine shine...plus the vac was really long. HAHA.
  8. If you look to your right you will see a couple of things. First you will see this weeks poll. Vote. I wanna know what you think about the issues like why the chicken crossed the road and who you think let the dogs out. If you scroll down you will see something that says "followers". If you have Twitter or Google+ you can follow my blog. Just type your details in that little box and its done. Or just follow me on Twitter: @futcHAHA_child.
  9. I called this blog futcHAHA child cause I'm futuristic in my way of thinking and its osunds cool. Also people always say they aint seen nothing like me in a while. Thats right ladies and gentlemen, I'm soething they call a ground breaker! HAHA cause its funny. Check it and burn ( also rappers have cool names so why can't I?)
  10. Apparently I start many of my posts with "so". I dont know why I do it but I like it. And my favourite post is probably my first one. Just hillarious; I mean where do I come up with these things?!
  11. I really was just going for 10 points yet here we are at 11. Most of the titles of my posts are lines from songs. S'true. Look to your left, scroll down and enjoy.
futcHAHA child out ( phew...been dying to say that! Did it sound cool? Whatevs', I'm gonna say it anyway).

1 comment:

  1. lol! Love this blog. it always makes me smile :)
