A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Monday, 28 January 2013

Snitches Get Stitches!!!

A few things have happened this past month that have led me to the conclusion that my family is full of snitches! Now I'm more of a 'strong but silent' type of person and snitching is not in my nature but I've noticed that it is in the nature of those close to me.

The one that surprised me most was my mother. A couple of weeks ago she was on the phone with my aunt, telling her about all the fun things that we did with her children when they came to stay with us over Christmas. She even told  my aunt that we took my 16 year old cousin us when we went out on new years eve! And I told mom we were gonna go hard that night. So, mom didn't know that I could hear her telling my aunt all the details and when I confronted her she was all like "Nah, I didn't say nothin!" ( lol, obviously she didnt use those exact words)! And I was like "I heard everything!". And then I told her that SNITCHES GET STITCHES!

While we're on the subject of my 16 year old cousin ( sup J!) I found out that he also snitched to my aunt just like my mom did. he told his mom that we 'bullied' him into buying us stuff. SNITCH! I just wanna deny all the accusations. Although I did once (jokingly) tell him that if he wanted a ride home he had to buy me a head massager...

I guess the apple doesnt fall far from the tree cause my 16 year old cousins little sitster is also a snitch. Yes, she is only 5 but snitching knows no age! She snitched to my mom for everything ( even when I just looked at her).

And the biggest snitch of all in the family has actually been snitching on me almost my whole life. She knows who she is. She even snitched on me yesterday when I "busted up her lip" [ and you probably thought i was joking when I said snitches get stitches!]. SNITCH!

So the moral of the story is: SNITCHES GET STITCHES!

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