A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Monday, 17 December 2012

There's A Birds Nest Outside My Window!!

Yes, that's right! There is a nest of birds near the place where I rest my head. And do you know why this is a problem? Because they feel the need to communicate at the most inappropriate times of the evening. Like seriously- what do they really have to say to each other at 04:30 a.m? (for reals, though. do birds not sleep?).

And I'm pretty sure there is a baby bird in there and you know those are the worst in terms of chirping. Anyway I just needed to get that off my chest.

So how was everyone's meatless Monday? Mine was lovely, thanks. Had scrambled eggs for breakfast/lunch and then we hit up some vegetarian pizza for dinner. It was challenging but it felt good to do it [ BESIDES, I totally went meat cray cray the next day].

I feel like its good for us to try new things so lets just keep it up, okay? Meatless Monday forever!

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