A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Monday, 10 December 2012

Meatless Mondays: Double post Rebel edition

I lied.

Lets get serious for a minute. You know how I said I was just 'taking a break' ( in the 'I'm a rebel post below) cause I havent posted on the blog in a while? Well I lied.

The truth is that someone broke the MOST important muscle in my body and I just didn't feel like blogging. But I recently took a trip to South Africa's beautiful North Coast and just had fun.Went a bit cray cray ( well, my own version of it) and forgot all my worries. Hung out with some 18 year olds on their matric vac who just reminded of what an awesome sense of humor I'm blessed with and how I just cant turn it off. No matter how much I'm not feeling it.

So thats the truth. The voices in my head have just been sceaming to get out. And this is what they have to say:

Its meatless monday today!

I'm assuming you all know what meatless monday is. No? Well it's the one day of the week wen you hit up every meal vegitarian style cause apparently meat is bad for you. It may be bad but it tastes sooo good.

This will be the first week that I give it a try. Might be tough cause eating meat is kinda something I dont reallly think about; I just do it. Now that I think about it, I eat meat almost everyday. So I think this would be something itresting to attempt.

So come on boys and girls, lets get it! Even through there are more chickens on this earth than humans [ which is kinda scary cause they could cause some major trouble if they ganged up together] but hey; it's worth a shot!


@futcHAHA child out!

pics from my week of fun:

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