A voice for the PEOPLE (...the ones in my head, that is)!!!
Its okay, they know me here!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

I'm A Joburg Girl, I May Take Some Getting Used To

found it on the internet
Huh? Whats that you say? Oh exams are over? That's right, its vac!! Well, for all the cool kids any way :). Cant wait to get back to Jozi! This is how they made me: Sandton, Jouburg baybay! But seriously, what are all you kids doing for the next couple of weeks? Gonna sit on the couch an eat, with the only form of exercise being you lifting your finger to change the channel and walking to the fridge? Hahaha, you just totally saw yourself doing that didn't you? Don't even feel bad bout it! Its winter so its allowed cause we're like bears we have to eat a lot and hibernate for the winter!

Well I don't know about you but I was totally just gonna take one whole day to just sit and loaf and watch the entire series of Gossip Girl from season 1 to season 5! Maybe even mix in a little Greys Anatomy. And the rest of the time I'll be busy working on this HUGE project I have for the blog. You guys are gonna love it! I think. And even if you don't I'm  still gonna do it anyway cause this is my blog! Thats right. I'm the editor-director, plus I'm my own boss. Gonna be posting so much you're gonna get sick of me.

So did you notice the new theme? Awesome right? I just thought I would brighten the place up a lil bit just to warm you up in these cold winter months. And while we're on the subject, have you ever noticed how some people are always like "This is awkward" when there is an awkward situation? Come on! You saying that doesn't make it any less awkward, it actually just perpetuates it. What happened to those days when everyone just thought quietly to themselves how awkward the situation was and then run off and tell somebody when its over. Have some decorum people.

@futchahachild out! [It still works doesn't it?]

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